Rules of Village Court, 1976
Rule-1 (short name and startup)
These rules shall be called the Village Court Rules of 1976.
Rule-2 (Contrary to the subject or context, in this rule, if there is nothing wrong)
(A) "form" means the form enclosed with these rules.
(B) "Ordinance" means the village court of 1976 "Ordinance" (Ordinance No. 61 of 1976);
(C) "chunk" means any section of the ordinance schedule;
(D) "applicant" means the person making an application under section 4 of the Ordinance;
(E) "defendant" means any person against whom a person makes an application under section 4 of the Ordinance; And
(F) "section" means any section of the Ordinance.
Rule 3: (1) According to sub-section (1) of section 4, an application shall be made in writing and it shall be signed by the applicant and submitted to the chairman of the Union Parishad.
(2) According to sub-rule (1), the written application shall contain the following
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